Home Technology What are the different types of smoke alarms?

What are the different types of smoke alarms?


Did you know that approximately 200 people die annually from residential fires in the UK, with the vast majority of the fires occurring between 10pm and 6am, while people are sleeping? It’s also the case that residential fires are twice as likely to be fatal if the family doesn’t have a smoke alarm installed. 

It would make sense to assume that these facts are linked, because if most fires occur while people are sleeping, the only thing that can offer protection is a quality smoke alarm system. Which leads us to the topic of this article, what are the different types of smoke alarms and which offers the best protection?

Importance of smoke alarms 

Smoke is the biggest killer in domestic fires by far. It can consume buildings faster than fire, it’s sometimes invisible and it’s highly toxic. People can end up breathing the fumes that a fire creates while they are sleeping, which can prove fatal before victims are even aware of the fire.

Smoke alarms help to mitigate this danger by sounding loudly when they detect smoke particles in the air designer mirrors for walls. These systems are far better at detecting smoke than the human nose, for example, and provide an unparalleled level of protection.

But which type of smoke alarm do you need?

Types of smoke alarms

Various types of mechanisms are used within smoke alarms to detect smoke. Here’s the main 4 smoke alarm types:

Ionisation: This mechanism is effective against fast-flaming fires, such as those caused by flammable liquids or paper. Smoke alarms that use ionisation can detect smoke that is invisible to the naked eye designer cushion cover online. These products tend to be cheaper, have less sensitivity to smouldering fires and can be too sensitive when placed near a kitchen. 

Optical: Alarms that use this design are more effective at detecting low-burning fires, but cost more than ionisation alarms. They are also suitable for installation near kitchens and won’t signal every time you’re cooking. 

Heat alarms: These are insensitive to smoke and focus more on detecting the heat from fires. Heat alarms are also suitable for kitchens. 

Combination alarms: Two or more smoke and fire detection mechanisms are present in combination alarms. They may use optical and ionisation detection methods so that they can pick up fast-flaming fires and small, smouldering fires.

The best smoke alarm to protect your home

To provide the best protection for your home and your family, it’s best to use a combination of alarm types depending on what’s appropriate. You can discover exactly what smoke alarm system your home needs by filling in this questionnaire. 

Typically, residential homes should use wireless interlinked smoke alarms and heat detectors, as this provides maximum protection against both smoke and fire. Interlinked means connected via radio signals, so interlinked fire alarm systems communicate with each other so that smoke can be detected and alarms can be signaled in every square inch of your home. 

If you would like to know more visit interlinked smoke alarm Scotland and reach out to us today.