Though many businesses nowadays depend on the smooth function of the network and supporting data center, this is why they tend to ignore the existence of the most crucial element: networking cables. You might not take the importance of cables and components seriously, but somewhere there’s a reason for the old saying, “A blocked chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. You can have the most up-to-date, fastest, and biggest servers around, but if you don’t have quality compatible Meraki cables to connect them, you are putting your network at risk. In order to install the right cabling system for data centers, it is best to follow the best cable management practices.
Importance of maintaining data center cables
Any sort of confusion in a data center can cost you to a fortune. Thus, it’s important to reduce the potential for human error. However, most of the time it is not the cabling itself that shows ‘network disconnection’, in fact, sometimes it is the confusion resulting from poor cable management. With poor cable management, even a small technical issue in a data center can quickly turn into a disaster.
To overcome the increasing complexities of network and cable management, virtual stacking technology comes into existence. Using this technology, stack cable management has become an easy task for IT personnel by keeping the switches interconnected with Meraki cables.
There are many other benefits of using Meraki stacking cables related to scalability and flexibility, but the most appreciated ones are:
- Ensure the running network is safe and secure
- Increase the performance of the network
- Make the task of cable management simple and easy
- Reduces the management overhead
- Easy to add or remove switches without disrupting the network
Meraki introduced portable cables that allow administrators to manage and configure up to thousands of ports at once using the Meraki cloud management platform. It is important to note that a data center with a poor user interface (where cables running all over the place) just not going to be efficient. A clean data center not only looks better but also works better for the smooth function of running the network. For this, it is important to pick the right Meraki cable.
How to Choose the Best Compatible Meraki Cable?
Many factors go into picking the right cable. To help determine what will work best for your data center, ask yourself these three important questions:
- What device will be connected?
It goes without saying that for an efficient cabling system, it is a must to know what sort of devices you want to connect. It is because, each device has its cable requirements, as well as its own set for cable connection. Knowing these details is essential before determining which compatible Meraki cable will work for you.
- Where do the cables need to be used?
You need to know where you are planning to use the cables- in a data center, office, bank, or school? Each of these places will require different choices in cabling.
- In which application cable need to be connected?
Before switching, you need to know in which device cables are required and what they will be used to know if the cable can tolerate downtime.
Once you get your answer, its high-time to focus on considering third-party Meraki virtual stacking cables by considering the three key elements: Length of the cable, Speed, and Connectivity. With a clear understanding of your network requirement, it becomes easy to switch to the right Meraki cables.