Home Business Google Account Manager: manage all your user accounts

Google Account Manager: manage all your user accounts


Introduction App

Download Google Account Manager Apk latest version 2020 for Android. ThisapplicationisaGoogleaccount management tool forAndroid devices. Itlets usersmanage Google accountson mobile devices swiftlyand efficiently, useful forany type of user. Google Account Manger APK is part of the Android operating system that helpsusers manage theirGoogle accounteasily.

Google Account Manager utilityfeatures an interfacethat is similar to the interface onlaptop or PC platforms which is familiarforGoogle users. Themost important options are simplified and easy for even new userstoeasily manipulate.WithGoogle Account ManagerGoogle’spurpose is to wantusers to sign up fortheir account with your newAndroid phone.

You can find out howtounplugtheGoogle accountonan Android phoneusedin the event that you would like to openan account that is not yours or youdo not want to sharecrucial data, and how tocloseyourGoogle accountusingan Android phone, as explained by usmore detailsin thesection on tips.

Google Account Manger APK can behelpfulin the sense that it permitsyou to transfer fromone device toanother , whilekeeping your settings and datatheGoogle account.This applicationallows you toactivate notificationson the screenwhenthere are new emails orany other changestoyour account. This means that youcanchange your account informationfrequently without having to login.

Main Features

  • The familiar interface is easyto use
  • Allows usingthe sameGoogle accounton many differentAndroiddevices
  • Make sure you keep your data and settingswithinyour Googleaccount.
  • Turn on notificationsshown on the screen whenever there isan email is sent orotherchanges made tothe account.

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Reviews Of App

It is important to understandthat thisapp is distinctin comparison toGoogle Admin.You can use this appto manageaccountby yourself and thensynchronize it intosmartphone.On contrary, Admin is application toaccess the paid version of thecloud service.As admin, youoversee and superviseothersin the same cloud system. Asan administrator, you are givenmultiple authority levels to keep the systemat balance then prevent unwantedsituation.

Actually,AdmindiffersinGoogle Account.In some cases, users havemore than oneGoogle accountfor different purpose.You use one accountfor personal and professional tasks.You also have accountsforbusiness and work.Other account is for specificdemands or urgent matters.There are so manyaccountsonthe ready, it’sdifficult tomanage without thisapp. ImagineopeningGmailwith multiple accountsat the same time.A major issue occurs whenyou’re unable torememberthe passwords for all accounts.You may still use phonenumberto verify your identity.

Controlling your account is the primarypurpose of this app.When operatingAndroidsmartphonesinitially,it is necessarytomeet certain requirements.The account manager gives youapplications to fill out suchasthe email address telephone number, email address,and passwords.Other items areto synchronize and confirm. Google has releaseda variety ofversionsof Android.You should checkthe compatibility betweenGoogleaccount manager andAndroid.This application might not workproperly after updatingthe operating system you are using. Thebiggest problem isyou’ll lose your entireaccount , so you need to startfrom scratch.If theaccountsshare the same telephonenumber, youwill notneed to be concerned about restoringit back to normal.

Everyoneis aware ofAndroid as themajoroperating systemfor smartphones. Google decides toletAndroidbe an open source project tomanufacturers and developers can studyandexpand it extensively.However, smartphone userswillgetGoogle application asthe basicplatformto supportthis system.That is why you willbe able to downloadGoogle account managerthe latest versionAPK 6.0.1 (23).As you may know,Androidhas a variety ofversions,so this applicationis also ready to supportany version that you are running on yoursmartphones. Themain purpose forthisapplicationis to manage yourGoogleaccount, so that youare able to access the majority offeatures and applications on smartphone.A single account withGooglecan be extremely helpfulto provide support for everything onAndroid device.

Google Account Manager File Information

Lastupdated: October 16 17th, 2017.
Developer: Google LLC
Version: 6.0.1 (23)
Requirement: Android 6.0
File size: 7.9 MB
Uploaded: October 16, 2017 at 10:59AM GMT+07
MD5: 80c7f4e70b00d582aea072ea497b2539
SHA1: 2897bd5fbe06d8655d9e859622327027f8608202

Google Account Manager app review

You should be awarethat thisapp differsthanGoogle Admin.You can use this applicationto manageyour accounton your own and thenconnect it to yoursmartphones.However, Admin is application touse the cloud’s paidservice.You are admin andoversee and superviseothersin the same cloud system. Asadmin, you’re givenmultiple authority levels to ensure the system staysin order and prevent any unintendedsituations.

It’s true thatAdminis completely differentinGoogle Account.There are times when users havemultipleGoogle accountto serve different purposes.One account can be usedfor private and personal tasks.You also have accountforwork and business.Another account is reserved for specificneeds or urgent matter.When you have so manyaccountsatin the system, it’sdifficult tohandle without this account managerapplication. Imaginethat you must openGmailfrom several accountsat the same time.A major issue occurs whenyou cannotrememberall passwords.You could still call thenumberto verify your identity.

Management of your account is the principalpurpose of this app.When usingAndroidsmartphonein the beginning,it is necessarytosatisfy certain requirements.The account manager will provideforms to fill out, such asthe email address numbers, phone numbers,and passwords.Other items areto synchronize and confirm. Google has releaseddifferentvariationsof Android.You must verifythat your account manager is working withGoogleaccounts manager as well asAndroid.The app might not functionproperly after updatingyour operating system. Thebiggest problem isthe loss of allaccount then you should startat the beginning.In the event that theaccountsuse the same telephonenumber, youwill notneed to be concerned about restoringthe accounts to their normal status.


  • You canmanage several accounts
  • Itoffers security level.


  • Itneeds to adjust withrecentAndroid version.

How to Use

Androidsmartphone usesGoogle accountfor verification.In order to work properly the user must sign up for anaccount to access all offeatures. Googleaccounts manager onAndroidis able to manage your accountsin ordertoallow you to use allthe features available fromGoogle.After you have opened theapp, type in thepassword and Gmailfor verification , then select aone method of verification.Normally, you will have oneaccountpersmartphone,however this appoffers the option of adding anadditional account.You can create additionalaccountswith password then chooseone of the methods for verification.This app will synchronize everyaccountthat you create to functionperfectly on smartphones that useAndroid asthe operatingsystem.


  • Thisversion is appforAndroid Marshmallow.