Home Travel Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour,

Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour,


Himalayan Trekkers Pvt.Ltd presents a captivating and fortifying Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour with appearing at ABC, where you will take off above magnificent Pokhara valley and its reasonable city, upheld with common significance masterminded on the laps of monster Annapurna Himalaya and ever-present heavenly Machapuchare Himal ‘Fish Tail’.


The high Annapurna Himalaya reflects Pokhara quiet Begnas and Phewa Lakes which makes this regarded spot possibly the most visited touristic protests in all Himalayas where our magnificent Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour begins and finishes in this remarkable occasion spot.


Pokhara is in addition prominent for different experiences and traveling where all Annapurna and interfacing Himalaya objective and begins and finishes and excessively standard for other experience sports rehearses like Paragliding, Zip Flyer, Ultra Light flights, kayaking and floating with moved different exercises that one can appreciate at Pokhara as improvement trips.


Annapurna Himalaya recorded as the world’s Tenth most basic mountains out of fourteenth Eight Thousanders Meters Peaks stays at the stature of 8,091 m and 26, 545 ft with its epic show up at lesser 7,000 m to under 6,000 meters tops which combine Annapurna I. Annapurna south 7,219 m, Gangapurna 7,455m and Annapurna III 7,555 m with A-II and IV of more than 7, 000 m with ever-present Machapuchare Himal or Fish Tail, the name because of its twin flawlessness top that overwhelms the Annapurna range.


Machapuchare is found southeast of the fundamental Annapurna I, one of the unclimbed and virgin tops in the Himalaya degree of excellent significance and greatness that can be seen all around Pokhara and on Heli Tour with another arrangement of tops in the close-by area. come out as OK with our examination.


Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter


Beginning from excellent Pokhara leave from particular inns early morning by 6 a.m. then again 7 a.m (reliant upon the season and weather)to Pokhara air terminal for clearing complete Chopper trip with open and satisfying seats, with spaces for 5 individuals with Captain and Co-Pilot from time to time with one pilot or Captain of the flying boat. For the current situation, one can orchestrate in the front with offers the best perspectives on encompassing energetic scenes and mountains. As Heli takes off taking off high into the irrefutable blue sky journeying north, from Pokhara the ethereal distance to Annapurna headquarters of direct 45 k.m.

air experience keeps on driving higher over the verdant valley of Pokhara and its city and ascending high past moving green slopes spotted with stunning homestead towns and a perfect tended line of terraced fields. The ride then, at that point goes into a hole of Modi River as the motor gets tallness to go into heavenly and beautiful Annapurna Sanctuary and in this way appearing at headquarters where you can take an interest in some warm coffee(optional pay in segregation) considering perspectives on Annapurna Himalaya and its degree of summits that encompass you at Annapurna Base Camp at the stature of in excess of 4,130 m high.

Taking part in honor at the delight with mountains for a beverage than with time head fly down to end of Sanctuary edge at Machapuchare(only fly enduring) orchestrated at 3,700 m high under transcending North Face of mind-boggling Machapuchare Himal the Fish Tail top. Here partake in the introduction of mountains fly over then scrambling toward Pokhara with time to get and see the way of life and customs around Chomrong or Ghandruk towns of the Gurung individuals the local groups of Annapurna Himalaya entwined with Buddhism religion and their own significant setup custom of extraordinary interest.

Gurung People particularly the menfolk have a long history of more than late years giving striking and magnificent Soldiers as Gorkha in the British and Indian Army likewise as Singapore cops and Security individuals and watchmen in different new nations including Brunei. By customs and old legacy the ranchers and steers herders with Buddhist religion in like manner practice their old heavenly creatures loving nature and mountain spirits with fascinating society to see on this prominent air experience on Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour.

After a period around Gurung ranch towns in the setting of Annapurna tops, then, at that point, a short air experience takes you to beautiful Pokhara and back to your individual inns by the Phewa Lake with captivating experience and stimulates on Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour.



Season: Annapurna headquarters can be visited the entire months of the year other than the rainstorm period of July to Mid September the wet and fierce months, with mists hindering the perspectives and making Helicopter flights the most un-conceivable to land and fly. Walk around May warm during the day, morning and late evening can be a little cooler where morning is clear for the perspectives and Heli flights. October to January and February will be clear with the fine climate yet can be fundamentally colder during morning and evening time moreover in dull regions. Walk around May is besides a sprouting time on mid-slopes of the Annapurna Himalaya region where the entire region turns touching off with rhododendron (public bloom of Nepal) and different wildflowers in the full youngster with uproars of tones that fill the green inclinations of Annapurna.


Height Sickness


AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness): Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour doesn’t get much influenced by AMS or Acute Mountain Sickness this is one of the phenomenal and brilliant regions without an issue of high height, as the southern side of Annapurna range is green with extreme vegetation and thickly forested areas, which assists with controlling a huge load of oxygen with new clean mountain air. On this stunning Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour, you will spend not the bigger segment an hour at Annapurna headquarters to take an interest in its immaculate wrapping of mountains.