In this article, you will know everything about what colors to use for a job interview. This article is very important for every student, who will apply for jobs in the upcoming years.
Example: Suppose you are studying abroad and you are doing Psychology degree. After doing your degree, this is important knowledge to have when applying for jobs and attending interviews.
A job interview is the perfect opportunity to show the best of yourself and your qualities. Studies show that 80% of employers know if they are going to hire the person in the first minute of the interview. This is why generating the correct first impression becomes mandatory in a job interview. 55% of the first impression is the image we reflect, 38% our body language and only 7% the words with which we express ourselves.
This is why just as you spend time to fix your resume and prepare some questions, you need time to plan what you are going to wear on the day of the interview, what colors to use and how to combine them. Before choosing clothes, you need to think about what message you want to project and based on it you choose the colors, then the garments that have those colors and finally the accessories.
Here are some ideas of colors according to the message you want to give in the interview.
Interview in a creative company
Never use navy blue, a very traditional color for the creative environment.
Use bold colors with bold combinations, without looking like a matachin.
Recommended to use purple as it is the color of creativity, it shows your artistic and unique side. It is also recommended to use yellow which signifies ideas, innovation and optimism.
Formal interview
Navy blue is a very traditional and formal color! Demonstrate credibility, honesty, and significance
If you are being interviewed for a managerial position you can wear something black or all black to show power and authority.
In all cases
Use gray as a neutral color. It shows security but without being authoritative like the color black.
Wear white if you want to show that you pay attention to detail, that you are unbiased, and that you have clear ideas.
If you want to give a message of calm and tranquility, you can wear clothes that have a green touch.
Avoid at all costs
Wearing orange is a color associated with being “unprofessional.”
Wearing everything the same color, shows too much closeness, little authority and does not represent anything of your personality. You need to combine colors to add a touch of your personality and preferences.
Avoid using a piece that is all red, you can use pieces with red touches (lines or patterns), but not a complete piece, as it can be a lot. Show that you are dominant stubborn and rebellious. In an interview it is recommended to be more mediator.
Wearing a brown dress or suit shows that you react very slowly to change. In today’s world, on the contrary, you must use colors that show change and easy adaptation.
Remember, colors influence people’s feelings and attitudes. This is why I recommend analyzing the message you want to leave at that important meeting beforehand and using the correct colors.